Introducing Ethan Snide (a.k.a The Grandmaster), Elo 169

Quick facts, eh?

  • Name: Ethan Snide (but people call me The Grandmaster)
  • Age: 8 (my brain’s like 80 though).
  • Occupation: What’s that?? Oh, you mean recess champion and professional playground chess king?
  • Elo: 169 – whatever, numbers may lie – I’m a prodigy.

Introducing the one-and-only Grandmaster

Oh hey, didn’t see you there! I’m Ethan Snide, The Grandmaster of chess. You think you’ve got GAME? Doubt it, eh. My moves are like maple syrup – sticky and sweet, leaving opponents stuck in their seats 🧠💡. Your king’s just a pawn in my playground – checkmated by an 8-year-old geniuss. Homework? Pfft… my BRAIN’s doing victory laps already!

Openings? Puh-lease, I know ’em all

So, you wanna know my secrets? FINE, I’ll spill.

  • White? Ponziani all the way – gotta confuse ’em right off the bat! I also rock the Open Sicilian, and maybe a bit o’ Tarrasch, Short Variation for extra sass. 😎
  • Black? Ha! Dragon all the way. Spitting fire from the first turn. Don’t forget an Old Indian Defence for sneaky traps that make ’em trip over their own pieces.

Featured Puzzle – I dare ya!

Puzzled much? I’ll school ya in chess, playground-style, eh! 🧠 Think you can handle my epic checkmate combos? Log in and prove it!

Here’s a taste of what it’s like to battle The Grandmaster.

Interview Time (but I’ll ask MYSELF the questions)

  1. Who’s the greatest chess player EVER? Duh, MEEEE. Magnus who??? Can he beat me at hopscotch too? Didn’t think so.
  2. What’s your study plan? Cartoons teach me more than schools ever will — who needs history books when you’ve got time-traveling adventures, eh?
  3. Advice for newbies? “Chess is like life,” said Einstein or Shakespeare, someone real smart like me. I just focus on winning… and candy. 🍭

Okay, that’s me for now. Don’t worry, you’ll be seeing lots of The Grandmaster on Chessiverse. Better practice up, or you’ll be eating my dust all day, eh!